The Wookie Option
Directed by Ray Renati With Darek Burkowski and Christian Haines A desk at center stage. Seated at the desk is DUKE FODA, an executive....
Directed by Laura Jane Bailey With Ray Renati, Maryssa Wanlass & Philip Watt CHARACTERS A – a tech worker B – a tech worker C – a tech...
No Way Out
Directed by Jessica Risco With Ray Renati, Christian Haines & Dorian Lockett (Black out. A loud alarm sounds and then the lights come up...
Directed by: Ray Renati With: Melissa Ortiz & Aeron Macintyre [AMY wanders onstage, wearing a red coat, rattling keys in her hand,...
The Bestest Batch
Directed by Jess Thomas With Christian Haines, Maryssa Wanlass, James Nelson & Ray Renati Jeb Joe (Ray) and Billy Joe (Christian) are...